Monday, October 26, 2009

What, I'm in a Choir?

I joined a choir called EVMCO stands for Eastern Valley Mormon Coral Organization. I have to say I'm deeply overwhelmed for the opportunity to sing with such talent. I'm singing with people who have masters in vocal performance, who've sang professionally, and who have perfect pitch. Needless so say, I'm not any of those things. It's been awhile since I've had to audition for a choir, and I was happy it's wasn't too hard. The last time was in Boise when I sang in a soloing woman's choir where we all sang solos and 2 group numbers. At the audition I didn't know I was auditioning for a solo!! The first day of practice I was like, "WHAT! You want me to sing that alone!!!??" It was funny and they gave me the music; No backing out of it! This time I just sang a hymn and did scales so they could hear my range. I auditioned with 2 other girls and was happy to have the experience of singing solos so I wasn't so nervous. All of us that auditioned in my group made the choir.

We are singing a song in Latin and it's accapella, along with some traditional Christmas songs that have been rearranged by the directors. Sometimes at practice I just want to close my eyes and listen. The music is so beautiful!!

Our Christmas Concert is called 'Sing We all Noel' and it's December 1oth in Mesa at the Ikeda Performing Arts Center. Wish you all could come and hear the magical music!

Here is a link that will tell you more about it. click here


Bennetts said...

Congrats Cuz!!! You sounded on pitch in your car while I was there. ;) Good luck to you.

Annie Oldham said...

Congrats! I'm excited to made the choir. I was thinking about auditioning, but I figured with the pregnancy, I wouldn't be able to give a solid commitment. Maybe next year!

{Alynn} said...

I think it's so amazing that you still sing and had the guts to try out for this choir, I never would have! :) You go girl!

Candice said...

How fun! I'm glad that you have the opportunity to do it!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

Hi ...

I'm in the EVMCO violin section and I hope that it's OK to send my family & friends to your blog to read about your experience with EVMCO.

princessbeckbug at gmail dot com