Monday, September 28, 2009

Legally Blonde/fireside

As fall tradition my friend and I buy season tickets to the Broadway Musicals that come into town. Our first one this year was Legally Blond. I must say it was super cute!! The bend and snap was awesome! The music composers did a great job of capturing what the movie had portrayed. Elle's character was great and so was the crazy stylist. We went to La Bocca on Mill Ave for dinner. It's a cute little wine bar with great salads and brochette. Their pizza looked yummy too. We had a really fun girls night out.

On Sunday another friend and I went to a fireside. I'm not going to sugar coat it, it was awful! It's been a really long time, I'll take that back, I've never been to a fireside where I got nothing out of it. I'm still not sure what the topic was. Something to do with the plan of salvation and dating, mixed in with a bunch of sarcasm. It was very interesting. At times every one would laugh and I'd wonder what was so funny. Then I realized I need to remember the maturity level of the group I'm with. Then it made more sense. It was like a train wreck. You wanted to leave, but kept waiting to see if there was a point. Hopefully someone got something out of it.
I'd also like to comment about cell phones. I see this older cute boy walk in and sit on the same row I was sitting on. I look over and he has his phone out texting. Honestly, it's a total turn off. If you're going to a fireside pay attention. It's interesting to see who is a cell phone junkie. I've been on a date where the guy pulled out his phone every 30 min or so just to see who's texting. I finally asked him if he needed to leave and was his phone burning a hole in his pocket. He laughed and admitted he was being rude and put his phone away. For real, there needs to be a book written about dating and cell phones. Maybe the title can be called 'How my Cell Phone ruined my Dating Life'.

The night wasn't a complete loss. We went to some boys house after and had a great time playing the card game Hearts. There was great conversation and lots of laughter. Even when things don't go as planned, luckily there is unexpected twist to make you smile.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To sink or swim?

Monday night was a swim party at some Bishops house in Mesa. There is a huge LDS singles scene here, so it's great to get out and meet other wards. As usual, a mass text message is sent then trickles down from ward to ward.

A friend and I decide to go. We drive all the flipping way to Mesa, like 20 miles and arrive at the Bishops house. There were tons of cars outside so I was happy to not be one of the first people to arrive, like last time. We venture to the backyard and hallelujah!! there were more boys than girls. My friend and I start mingling and we find ourselves talking with a boy named Randy. I'm thinking he's kinda cute and would like to see if he'd ask me for my number. But, he'll never do it if my friend is there. So, she is great and figures out it's time to leave us. (she is a great wing man at parties. We get the dating scene and can pick up cues) As soon as she leaves, he asks me for my number. I'm not joking! As he and I keep talking, I'm trying to figure out how old he is. Let's face it, I'm not looking for a guy in school. I'm looking for a man. I never did ask. But I'm thinking like 25. Bummer!

I said bye to Mr. Randy and find my friend in the middle of some boys, none of which strike my interest. (She and I have totally different taste. To put it in H.S terms, I like Jocks and she likes Band/drama/choir.) She introduces me to the group of guys and I sit down and just enjoy the flow of conversation. The guy sitting next to me starts chatting me up. At first sight I'd guess he's probably 23. haha Anyway, I keep taking to him. His name is Bret with one T and last name Green like the color. He asks me if he can get my number. I said sure. Why not? At this point, my friend has ventured off from the group of guys. I'm starting to get hungry and I'm ready to leave.

I find my friend and we are on our way out. This guy stops us and says something about getting a hot dog for my friend earlier, but they were out so he wasn't able to get her one. I'm thinking okay that's great. Why do I need to know that. My friend keeps walking as the guy is talking but since he is standing right in front of me, I can't walk into him, so I was forced to stop. I was trying to get away and told him we were leaving to get something to eat. Big mistake on my part! He jumps in with vigor and expresses how if there were hot dogs he'd love to get me one. But since they are all out would I want to get a Jamba juice with him sometime? I had to give the guy some credit. He was good, and out of the two guys that asked me for my number he was the only one with a plan. So I gave him my number.

After my friend and I get back into my car I tell her about my nights experiences and ask her if she had the same luck. I was sad to hear her say no. :( I've been thinking about that this week and the only reason I can think of is type preference. I'm a blond with blue eyes. She is has red hair and blue eyes. More guys are attracted to girls with blond hair and blue eyes. So her dating pool is a little bit smaller. She is moving in with me in a few weeks, so maybe I can change her dating pool with a few highlights :)

So with all these guys asking for my number, do I want to date any of them, no. But with each guy I meet I'm one more close to the one. So in dating, sometimes you sink and sometimes you swim.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dating 1,2,3

Okay girls, here it goes. This is the beginning of my dating adventures. I think it will be fun to do a blog about my dating and social life. Which I hope picks up or this will be a very boring blog. haha So to start this new blog, I'll share with you what happened last night.

As in Sunday Mormon tradition, I was invited to a game night. Since I'm new to the valley of the Sun (that is in the dating world) I try to go to every possible invite just to meet people. Last night was one of those nights. Game nights are always interesting. What type of people are going to arrive? Who's house am I going to? Is "the one" going to be there? Do I come dress up? Do I wear high heals? Hair up or down? Lip gloss or lip stick? Skinny jeans or dress? Oh so many questions and none of the answers really matter. That's the difference when you're dating at 29. You realize it doesn't matter and you move on.

So we arrive at the designated casa only to find we are the first to arrive. No big deal, I guess it is Mormon standard time. 1 hour later the house was full. I ventured off to play a game called Bananagrams which is like scrabble but individual boards. The highlight from that game was they guy who spelled tits and cialis. Then the guy who kept saying, " umm that's a proper noun!" As if any of us knew what that was. All in all it was fun. The group of guys I was with were cute and funny. Except the tits and noun guys. Which then leaves two. Let me say that again. Two guys at the table were cute and funny.

A man complimenting me says," Shana your hair is like a blonde explosion. I really like how you matched your jacket with the white stripes in your shirt and how your yellow high heals match that yellow stripe in your shirt. You look really nice." Now, who says guys don't notice?

Dating this time around is much easier, but still frustrating. You still have to find that Prince. A great friend of mine reminds me, "Shana, it just takes one!" Okay, I know. But why do I need to date 50 to get to one? Doesn't make mathematical sense, does it?